Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Aloe, Indian aloe, Curacao aloe, Barbados aloe, Jaffarabad aloe, Kattalai, Sirukattalai, Aloe vera, True Aloe, Medicine Plant, Burn Plant, Barbados Aloe

A coarse perennial with short stem and shallow root system; leaves fleshy in rosettes, sessile, often crowded with horny prickles on the margins, convex below, 45-60 cm long, tapering to a blunt point, surface pale green with irregular white blotches; flowers yellow or orange in racemes; fruits loculicidal capsule.
The plant is bitter, sweet, cooling, anthelmintic, aperient, carminative, deobstruent, depurative, diuretic, stomachic, emmenagogue, opthalmic and alexeteric. The juice is used in dyspepsia, amenorrhoea, burns, colic, hyperadensosis, hepatopathy, splenopathy, skin diseases, constipation, spanomenorrhea, vitiated conditions of vata and pitta, abdominal tumours, dropsy, carbuncles, sciatica, lumbago and flatulence. The elio is used for helminthiasis in children and is a purgative, anthelmintic and emmenagogue. It is used for local application in painful inflammations, chronic ulcers and catarrhal and purulent opthalmia.

Parts used: Leaf-juice, elio

Keyword: Aloe, Indian aloe, Curacao aloe, Barbados aloe, Jaffarabad aloe, Kattalai, Sirukattalai, Aloe vera, True Aloe, Medicine Plant, Burn Plant, Barbados Aloe  


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