Friday, October 23, 2009

Solanum trilobatum, Agnidamani, Thooduvalai,Alarka, trilobatum - L

This herb is commonly known as alarka and its botanical name is Solanum trilobatum. This is effective in fever, cough, heart diseases, asthma and pain in chest. It is integrated in products like chyavanprash and cough syrups. Completely herbal and natural it is safe and hygienic.
Properties and uses: Roots used for consumption in the form of electuary, decoction or powder. Berries and flowers used to relive cough. Whole plant – Consumption, bronchitis and other respiratory disorders, carcinoma, aphrodisiac (flowers). Dyspnoea, anorexia, constipation, worm infestation, blood disorders, hemiplegia, trachyphonia, skin diseases, oedema, urinary calculi, amenorrhoea, coryza, epilepsy, dysuria.
Parts used:
Whole plant

Botanical description: Much branched spiny scandent shrubs. Leaves deltoid or triangular, irregularly lobed. Flowers purplish-blue, in cymes. Berry globose, red or scarlet.


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