Friday, October 2, 2009

Curry leaf Curry leaves Curry Indian curry green leaf curry indian leaf green leaf fresh curry leaves vegetarian curry

Curry leaves possess the qualities of a herbal tonic. They strengthen the functions of stomach and promote its action. They are also used as a mild laxative. The leaves may be taken mixed with other mild tasting herbs. The juice extracted from 15 grams of leaves may be taken with buttermilk
Eye Disorders: Fresh juice of curry leaves suffused in the eyes. makes them look bright. It also prevents the early development of cataract.
Hair Tonic: When the leaves are boiled in coconut oil, they are reduced to a blackened residue, the oil forms an excellent hair tonic to stimulate hair growth and in retaining the natural pigmentation.
Curry leaves have been used for centuries in South India as a natural flavouring agent in samber, rasam and curries. Chutney can be made by .mixing the leaves with coriander leaves, coconut scrapings and tomatoes.
The leaves, bark and the root of the curry plant are used in indigenous medicine as a tonic, stimulant and antiflatulent.


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