Friday, October 2, 2009

Carrots Carrot Carrot juice Carrot soup Carrot top Carrot recipe Carrot cake Carrot salad Carrot recipies

The vegetable I like the most is carrot. Carrot stands at the top of all vegetable to fight against cancer. The carrot contains more anti oxidants which keeps cancer at bay. Even chewing of carrots after our meals cleans the teeth and also kills the harmful bacteria in our mouth. For diarrhea, the carrot soup is the best remedy. They are good for eye sight too. Carrot (Daucus carota). The large taproots of this European herb are one of the most popular vegetables in North America. Like other biennial herbs, carrots store up food reserves in the main taproot during the first summer of growth, and then flower and die the following year. Carrots are typically harvested by the end of their first growing season. Wild flowering carrots are called Queen Anne's Lace, supposedly named after Queen Anne of England (1665-1714). Queen Anne apparently won an embroidery contest to see who could produce lace as beautiful as the intricate clusters of tiny white flowers of the wild carrot. Carrot roots are rich in the tetraterpene beta-carotene (C40H56), the precursor of the anti-oxidant vitamin A (C20H30O). During digestion, each beta-carotene molecule is broken down into two molecules of vitamin A. Vitamin A is also called retinol because it is almost identical to the retinol present in the rod cells of the retina of human eyes. Rod cells are sensitive to light and enable one to see at dusk and in dimly illuminated areas. A native species called rattlesnake weed or wild carrot (Daucus pusillus) occurs in the coastal sage and chaparral covered hillsides of San Diego County, especially after a fire.


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